POLICY: Sports Licensing Solutions (FANMATS) is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest ethical standards. We know it's not enough to just do the right things; we have to do them in the right way. The way that we accomplish our work is as important as the work itself. It is essential that we conduct ourselves at all times with integrity and in full compliance with the laws and regulations that govern our business activities.
LEGAL COMPLIANCE: Employers must comply, at a minimum, with all applicable legal requirements of the country in which products are manufactured and with the standards and requirements set forth in this Code. Where this Code and the applicable laws of the country of manufacture conflict or differ, the higher standard shall prevail. Such compliance shall include compliance with all applicable environmental laws.
ETHICAL PRINCIPLES: Employers shall commit to conduct their business according to a set of ethical standards which include, but are not limited to, honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, and respect for the unique value of each human being.
EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP: Employers shall adopt and adhere to rules and conditions of employment that respect workers and, at a minimum, safeguard their rights under national and international labor and social security laws and regulations. Employers shall ensure workers are present to work voluntarily, are not at undue risk of physical harm, are fairly compensated, and are not exploited in any way.
NONDISCRIMINATION: No person shall be subject to any discrimination in employment, including hiring, compensation, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, reproductive status, nationality, political opinion, social group, ethnic origin, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), genetic information (including family medical history), ancestry, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services. Employers shall employ individuals solely on the basis of their ability to perform the job. Employers may not discriminate against employees in subsequent personnel decisions.
Women workers will receive equal remuneration, including benefits, equal treatment, equal evaluation of the quality of their work, and equal opportunity to fill all positions as male workers.
Pregnancy tests will not be a condition of employment, nor will they be demanded of employees.
The pregnancy of an employee shall not be used as a basis for disciplinary treatment or termination of employment.
Workers who take maternity leave will not face dismissal or threat of dismissal, loss of seniority or deduction of wages, and will be able to return to their former employment at the same rate of pay and benefits.
Workers or prospective workers will not be forced or pressured to use contraception.
Workers will not be exposed to hazards, including glues and solvents that may endanger their safety including their reproductive health.
HARASSMENT OR ABUSE: Every employee shall be treated with respect and dignity. No employee shall be subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse. Furthermore, any use or form of corporal punishment will not be tolerated.
FORCED LABOR: There shall be no use of forced labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or other forms of forced labor. Employers will comply with international standards and all applicable local and national laws, regulations, standards, and procedures concerning the prohibition of forced labor and human trafficking, such as the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act and related sections of the Dodd-Frank Act (including Section 1502, which addresses products containing “conflict minerals”).
CHILD LABOR: No person shall be employed under the age of 15 (or 14 where, consistent with International Labor Organization practices for developing countries, the law of the country of manufacture allows such exception). Where the age for completing compulsory education is higher than the standard for the minimum age of employment stated above, the higher age for completing compulsory education shall apply to this section. No person under the age of 18 will undertake hazardous work – e.g., work which, by its nature of the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to cause harm to the health or safety of such person. Employer agrees to work with governmental, human rights, and non-governmental organizations, as determined by the University and licensee, to minimize the negative impact on any child released from employment as a result of the enforcement of this Code.
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND COLLECTIVE BARGAINING: Employers shall recognize and respect the right of employees to freedom of association and collective bargaining with bargaining representatives of their own choice in accordance with International Labour Organisation Convention 87, which protects freedom of association and the right to organize. No employee shall be subject to harassment, intimidation or retaliation for his or her efforts to freely associate or bargain collectively. Union organizers shall have access to employees and must recognize the union of the employee’s choice.
HEALTH, SAFETY, AND ENVIRONMENT: Employers shall provide a safe and healthy workplace setting to prevent accidents and injury to health, including reproductive health, arising out of, linked with, or occurring in the course of work or as a result of the operation of employers’ facilities. Workers shall receive regular health and safety training. Licensee/employers shall ensure that its direct operations and those of any subcontractors comply with workplace safety and health regulations established by the national government where the production facility is located. If residential facilities are provided to workers, they must be safe and healthy facilities. Employers shall adopt responsible measures to mitigate negative impacts that the workplace has on the environment.
WAGES AND BENEFITS: Employers must provide wages and benefits which comply with all applicable laws and regulations and which match or exceed the local prevailing wages and benefits in the relevant industry or which constitute a “living wage,” which requires meeting the basic needs for the worker and two dependents to have access to resources, including food, safe drinking water, clothing, shelter, energy, transportation, education, sanitation facilities and access to health care services.
HOURS OF WORK: Employers shall not require workers to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country where the workers are employed. The regular work week shall not exceed 48 hours. Employers shall allow workers at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in every seven-day period. All overtime work shall be consensual. Employers shall not request overtime on a regular basis and shall compensate all overtime work at a premium rate as is legally required in that country, but not less than at a rate equal to their regular hourly compensation rate. Other than in exceptional circumstances, the sum of regular and overtime hours in a week shall not exceed 60 hours.
COMPENSATION: Every worker has a right to compensation for a regular work week that is sufficient to meet the worker’s basic needs and provide some discretionary income. Employers shall pay at least the minimum wage or the appropriate prevailing wage, whichever is higher, comply with all legal requirements on wages, and provide any fringe benefits required by law or contract. Where compensation does not meet workers’ basic needs and provide some discretionary income, each employer shall work with the FLA to take appropriate actions that seek to progressively realize a level of compensation that does. Compensation standards will be adjusted periodically based on experience and increased knowledge concerning local labor markets and living conditions.
Employers also shall require its contractors, subcontractors or manufacturers that produce, assemble or package finished licensed products to comply with applicable local laws and with this Code and to apply the higher standard in cases of differences or conflicts.
Sports Licensing Solutions, LLC is registered with the Fair Labor Association as a Category C collegiate licensee and is committed to upholding the FLA Workplace Code of Conduct in facilities producing its collegiate products.